Loaded new WDTV Live firmware update, device rebooted, now is inoperable

On boot-up, WD splash screen appears, then circular progress icon spins perpetually (hours). How do I get past the icon? None of the remote keys work to escape from the loop.

I am having the same problem

hard-resetting … ?

Is anything connected to a USB port? If so, disconnect it and try again.

How is it connected to the network? If wired, try disconnecting. If wireless, maybe shut down your wireless for a bit to see what happens.

Have you tried the reset button on the bottom of the box?

Is anything connected to a USB port? If so, disconnect it and try again.

No no USB devices

How is it connected to the network? If wired, try disconnecting. If wireless, maybe shut down your wireless for a bit to see what happens.

Wired Ethernet

Have you tried the reset button on the bottom of the box?

Have not done tha, didn’t want to lose App data potentially

Will try to disconnect Ethernet and see what happens, if not then will hit the reset. Wish me luck… :slight_smile:

Hi Thanks took a couple of times reseting it but it finally took it. not sure what that was all abbout.

Thanks again

This happenned to my box too when I upgraded the firmware to 1.10 a few weeks ago. I solved it by resetting the unit via the physical button on the bottom while it starting up.

How is it connected to the network? If wired, try disconnecting. If wireless, maybe shut down your wireless for a bit to see what happens.

I tried to restart with network disconnected - no luck

Have you tried the reset button on the bottom of the box?

Yes multiple times, no change

This unit is dead as a result of the firmware update - how do I get an RMA? I shouldnt have to buy a new device.

Had to reset mine. Now it works. I got scared for a minute there though

I just buy a WD live streaming, got the firmware update, plug the USB HDD in - now I can enjoy mine home video, but…

the box freeze just a yellow arrow turn around (sometimes …) What happens here? a brand new Streaming device?

I have to google for some light about this issue. Any one can help me here?

I have to unplug the power supply and wait for 5 minuts. I try again, this time I can se the standard WD window, but as soon as I try to open the files folder, it take 2-3 minuts to the box to react. 

Playing the video was not smoth the film just play and stop, and the sound keep silent. is this the new firmware is the cause or is there something else. Please help me out.

Best regards