Last stage on DX 4000 recovery keeping data. Doubt

Hello everyone! I have a question about what will happen when I click “next” in the “last step?” From DX4000 Recovery.

I do not really want to lose my data, and the message says: "Only the system volume will be affected … If system volume information is corrupted … the disk will be formatted…

My question is:

“Clicking next… The system will check the volume and assuming a bad volume will prompt me if I really want to proceed losing my data or it will just format my discs?”

Well it is not supposed to delete your data if you select keep my data. You can always try raid recovery software first if it is that important.

Thks for your help Gramps. Im reading tons of posts here and you are the one who helps everyone! Great job!

The recovery process do well, but now on the DX4000 led says: INVALID NIC NUM.

I type in my browser http://servidor as asked and noting happens. Can you help us?


The wizzard said http://servidor.
The correct was http://WDSENTINEL

Is your data still there? If so make a copy !!

We are on the way to check it!

The pre configuration is done ! Soon the server will boot.

Hi Gramps. The process worked good until it´s asked to connect.

The the browser give me an executable: ComputerConnector. When i run it an erro pop.

“You can not connect the computer to the server because another software installation is in progress or the computer has a pending restart. Complete the installation process or restart your computer and then try to connect it again.”

On DX4000 led: “LOADING OS… PLEASE WAIT” its about 2 hrs now

Stuck about 5 hrs now!

Now the problem is the password.

You can remote to the server desktop with MSTSC
User Administrator
Pass whatever you set

You can open explore on a PC and for the address put \wdsentinel
same login as abaove

The pending reboot can be fixed with the fix me below or just run he connector on a different PC

Im from Brazil and set my keybord to ABNT2.

I´m reading something about a keybord issue. Is that fixed?

We set the administrator pass, the pass confirmation and the tip. On the scream the tip appers.

This is not fixed
You may be unable to log on to the server because your keyboard was set to an English layout during Setup

After you choose a language and keyboard layout during Setup, your keyboard can remain in the English layout. Any passwords that are created during Setup might be based on the English keyboard layout. Because of this, you may be unable to log on to the server after Setup is finished. This can occur because the keyboard language format is set to English by default during Setup. If you change the language format, the keystrokes that you use to create the passwords may not map correctly to the keyboard layout that you are using.

To resolve this issue, after finishing Setup, perform the steps in the following procedure to reset the server password.

To reset the server password

1.In the logon screen, click the Language bar, select English, and then log on to the server by using the password that you created during Setup.

2.Open the Windows Home Server 2011 Dashboard.

3.On the Computers and Backup page, click Change the server password.

4.Type and confirm a new password for the server, and then click Change password.

As well did you use internet explorer to run setup? Did setup complete with no alerts?

I used Chrome and finished with no alerts.

On setup wizzard I change the keybord to ABNT2.

But the keys that I use in the password on the ABNT2 keyboard are the same as the keyboard of the American layout.

Hi Gramps.
My server spent the entire night in status Loading OS. Please Wait. And I can not continue the process because the administrator password does not accept.

Can it be a solution to reset the sentinel?

I would still try setting your keyboard to English when entering the password.

Are you using OPENDNS? If you ping server does it fail to resolve an ip?

Make sure you have a good download by verifying the md5 hash

Try the recovery again using a different thumb drive.

A couple of people have had this problem lately. One fixed I by doing a recovery again. One in particular never got past the password, but I do not think he tried using a different flash drive.

I already change my keybord to English (US), English (Internacional), My location to United States and all that stuff.

I can ping the server with name and by IP.

My md5 hash is good verified before started the process.

During all this the led on server says: “LOADING OS… PLEASE WAIT”. Its normal? Can I reset the server?

No I wanted you to ping “SERVER” not wdsentinel. I am trying to figure out why setup fails sometimes.

I strongly suggest if you need your data you look at raid recovery software if you had RAID 5

As I said above it worked the second time one guy did a recovery. If it will not take your password you have no choice but to try again.

When I ping SERVER I hit my server IP. (192.168.0.***).

The Sentinel IP is other. (192.168.0.###).

I think Im gonna make the thole thing again.

Do you sugest set my pc to United States US, or United States Internacional?

So is your server named SERVER?
Set PC to US, US
If you have a machine named server or even if you do not but ping server answers something, remove it before doing setup again. If you have to get a router just for the wd dx4000 and your PC