Lack of 2-factor Authentication

I received an email notifying me that my password had been changed this morning, and apparently so did others on this forum. Whether this is someone gaining access they shouldn’t have, or it’s the WD developers modifying something, this is a glaring problem.

I recently took my EX2 offline to avoid my data being exposed to WD’s failure to secure the online portal with something as basic as 2-factor authentication. Interestingly though, I noticed that WD’s My Cloud app can override this setting and put it back online when I did not intend to when I’m on the same LAN. These are some pretty significant flaws – and a good reason NOT to use if there are these kind of bugs sitting around. It’s obvious there’s some issues here.

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I see there’s a 2-factor auth option on this forum, yet it is not offered on MyCloud. That’s a strange inversion of priorities.