Kudos V4.1 Beta 03 (Moviesheet SMP) ~ WEEKLY BUILD ADDED


Sorry Lester, the links arent fixed (the first two are identical … genre folders is ok, but no Theme download link)

Theme              http://db.tt/k53qXRwU(send to SMP via Browser – Chrome)

Folders Jeeps http://db.tt/k53qXRwU (copy into folder for Movie Genre)

Ahhh … At work and Dropbox d/l is blocked so I cannot test… Try again pls

Cheers LB

Download links work fine now :smiley:

please help ;(

Wow! Thanks LB!

What an amazing work!

As I didn’t create all moviesheets I’ll do it now with the new ones.

Thanks for the folders images, they’re great!

Thanks for your work again


Hmm where to start…

It appears that your Moviesheets are called moviename.jpg not moviename.ext_sheet.jpg

When you run THUMBGEN you should end up with 3 new files PLUS the orignal movie file. Also it should have a GENRE folder called “folder.jpg”. 

\ War_Movies \

                       \ folder.jpg            < - Genre picture for WAR Movies

                       &nbsp;Valkyrief.jpg       ← Movie Title thumb

                       \ Valkyrief.m2ts   ← Movie File
                      \ Valkyrief.xml       ← XML file containing Movie data from IMDB in text format. 
                      \ Valkyrief.m2ts_sheet.jpg   ← Movie Sheet

  ← folder.jpg  Valkyrief.jpg  ←  Valkyrief.jpg


←  Valkyrief.m2ts_sheet.jpg

The XML File should look like this

<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<overview>Wounded in Africa during World War II, Nazi Col. Claus von Stauffenberg returns to his native Germany and joins the Resistance in a daring plan to create a shadow government and assassinate Adolf Hitler. When events unfold so that he becomes a central player, he finds himself tasked with both leading the coup and personally killing the Führer.</overview>
<plot>Wounded in Africa during World War II, Nazi Col. Claus von Stauffenberg returns to his native Germany and joins the Resistance in a daring plan to create a shadow government and assassinate Adolf Hitler. When events unfold so that he becomes a central player, he finds himself tasked with both leading the coup and personally killing the Führer.</plot>
<actor>Tom Cruise/Carice van Houten/Kenneth Branagh/Eddie Izzard/Bill Nighy/Tom Wilkinson/David Bamber/Thomas Kretschmann/David Schofield/Kevin McNally/Christian Berkel/Gerhard Haase-Hindenberg/Matthias Freihof/Halina Reijn/Manfred-Anton Algrang/Werner Daehn/Matthias Schweighöfer/Andy Gatjen/Christopher Karl Hemeyer/Philipp von Schulthess/Jamie Parker/Terence Stamp/Florian Panzner/Karl Alexander Seidel/Justus Kammerer/Frank Christian Marx</actor>
<director>Bryan Singer</director>
<studio>United Artists</studio>
<url cache=“tmdb-.xml” function=“GetTMDBThumbsById” />

If you dont have your movie set up like this example, you have not set up run THUMBGEN correctly. Re-Install the BUNDLE should help.

Also make sure

  1. Media Library is ON (Under settings)

  2. Under Photos, set TRANSITION to FADE and Duration to 5 MIN

  3. Set Source to MY Media Library (Red Button on remote)

That should do it.

Cheers LB

Me (and many others) are still having the thumbgen issue with the thumbgen sheets displaying as thumbnails in the top left corner of the WD TV.

I even tried with the new version (4.1) and the new thumbgen bundles.

Has anyone figured out the issue? I posted my file structure a few pages back and I receieved no help.

I also tried the solution posted right above my post but still having the same issue.

This is a mystery as I have loaded V4.1B3 onto 7 different SMP (all with varying firmware levels) without a issue (basically some of  my mates are the pre-beta testers). This includes SMP with 4 different NAS manufacturers and also USB connected 1TB and 3 TB drives.

I have never seen this issue, and I can only think that possibly your SMP Media Library DB is scrambled.

First thing, delete the TGMD files under your Movie GENRE directory (I don’t know why but they have sometimes scrambled by Media Library - I dont understand how or why and others do not have that problem, but I never generate them - NB The set up the THUMBGEN I use does not generate this file, did you turn it on ?)

If that dont work, try  (I do this if the SMP is doing stupid things)

  1. “Resetting the Media Library”

  2. Resetting the SMP back to default

  3. Delete all your Mapped Directories (under Media Library)

  4. Deleting all the .wd_tv hidden directories under your movie GENRE folders

  5. Rebooting SMP

  6. Reload THEME V4.1 Kudos Beta 3

  7. Set Media Library ON

  8. Remap GENRE Directories (Under Media Library)

  9. Setting Photos Delay to 5 Minutes

If none of that works, Im thinking reflash FIRMWARE manually via USB Method (I stick to 1.10.XX version as it allows 20 Drives to be Mapped), then redo 1 to 9 above…

Sorry its long winded, but that’s all I got. Maybe TW or others maybe able to shed some light

Sorry to hear there are still folks having troubles with the movie sheets, but I can verify that this release does work. I was already running beta 2 and loving it. I’ve upgraded to the Beta 3 and it looks great. The only downfall I’ve seen so far is that it does need to be on a widescreen TV for menu settings in setup. I would assume that’s not a big deal for most and really not for me but I have a tube TV downstairs by my computer area and when I’m playing with the SMP setup stuff, I bring one of my SMP boxes downstairs and connect to that TV so I can verify things working correctly without having to go up and down stairs. The new setup menu gets cutoff now on the left side of the screen on an old tube TV, but I’m more concerned with how it functions on a full TV and it’s great! 

I have not upgraded firmware to the latest release. I’m still running an older one that was verified to have movie sheets working correctly.

I have not redone my movie sheets to the new release, either. My old movie sheets still look great so I’m not sure if I’ll take the time to update them or not. I have all of my settings in Thumbgen working the way I want them with profiles for movies and TV series so I may not try to fix something that isn’t broken. Any specifics on the difference between the two moviesheets aside from the new one using the bundle to make life easier? 

Just one thing to add for the new beta

I’ve installed ir but in the moviesheets, the borders of the screen are outside the TV. Is like if the moviesheet is bigger than the TV and the screenshot gets cropped. So, instead of being seen like this:

I see something like this:

So everything looks worse and the time and forecast are hlaf out of the screen


Easy fix… Its the TV Scaling issue. Happens mainly with PLASMA TV’s. Edit: CRT TV’s as well

Edit: Two ways to fix

1. On some TV’s you can turn the OVERSCAN setting to OFF (I just did this on my Panasonic Plasma and it works fine (thanks JoeySmyth).


2. If your TV does not have the ability to turn off OVERSCAN, Go to WD SMP Settings\Appearance and change SCALE to 95%.

I suspect some custom themes keep within the 95% boundary so they work on any system (Overscanned On/Off), where as KUDOs is scaled to 100% boundary and I use the scaling on the appearance setting to adjust.

Cheers LB

The Moviesheets has a darker lower half for a better contrast effect with the text and thumbnails. I have also added icons for subtitles on the sheet (if they exist in the movie file). I also darkened the middle horizontal INFO Bar, and did some working on fitting the ratings more to the left (Which allows less truncation of the MPAA warning).

TV Series have the same changes as above, but their Thumbnails include Season and Episode Info “borrowed” from some coding by DeVicious V1.9 templates and then modified to suit the Theme

folder.jpg  Folder.jpg  folder.jpg  The.Walking.Dead.S02E07.Pretty Much Dead Already.jpg

cheers LB

When I select a movie to play, the initial menu bar at the bottom comes up (and I like the look of the new one) but it always shows the runtime as all zeros. The screen then goes black while it waits to load and start the film, It seems like there’s a lot more delay using the new version?

You were right, 95% in appearance and everything is correct


Just started playing with this great looking theme.  I use it only for TV Shows and have a couple of issues I cannot solve following all the guidelines in this thread.

  1. As others are finding I cannot get the (tvshow) sheets to display.  I get all the covers but they are on a plain (Leather effect) black background.  I don’t get it in the corner as some see (unless obscured by the season cover).

2.  The first thumnail episode cover in each season is the generic season cover rather than having the season & episode number/name version.

On the disk (locally attached USB)  all the files generated by Thumbgen are correct for the “_sheet” and dirst episode cover.  There also seems to be three correct entries in the spisode xml file.  Used the untouched beta3 bundle file and latest 1.10.14 SMP firmware.




Easy fix… Its the TV Scaling issue. Happens mainly with PLASMA TVs.


Doesn’t effect Panasonic Plasma Tv’s Manufactured in the last 4 Years … has an option to Disable / Enable “Overscan”





Lurker here. Decided to use this theme because it’s just soooo sharp and good looking. Unfortunately having the same exact problem as posted above…my sheets are being displayed when the cover should be displayed. ANd the sheets themselves are NOT being displayed. Deleted the WD data and let it re-scan, and still having the same issue. Going to re-read the tutorial from beginning to end to see if I missed something, but I’m pretty sure I’ve got it down. Upgraded to latest stock FW and having this issues. Will report back if I’m able to get it fixed.

Thx for all the great work.

Hi smf61

//1. As others are finding I cannot get the (tvshow) sheets to display.  I get all the covers but they are on a plain (Leather effect) black background.  I don’t get it in the corner as some see (unless obscured by the season cover).


Can you send me some screen shots (Media Library Setting Page, screen pics, XML, THUMBGEN directory, and what country you are in etc) and a look at your Movie File structure. It has to be a setting/set up issue. I have never seen this is personally. Even last night, I set two new SMP up for a mate. Just download theme to the brand new devices, mapped the network drives on the NAS to SMP, changed the PHOTO setting to “Fade” and “5 min” duration. Rebooted SMP and selected “My Media Library” vis RED Button on Remote. Installed THUMBGEN, installed Bundle and then pointed thumbgen to the Movie files and pressed “Im Feeling Lucky”. 45 mintues later and a few manual interventions on Thumbgen (Movies it had trouble finding) and it was all done.

//2.  The first thumnail episode cover in each season is the generic season cover rather than having the season & episode number/name version.

For TV Shows, I run the “TV_Sheet” Template in THUMBGEN and let it do all the covers/Sheets. Then for the Series Folder, I change to the “TV_Series Cover” and select the first episode of Season 1 and perform a MANUAL thumbgen. I DO NOT Generate all together, instead select the INDIVIDUAL “generate” button for the sheets I want and then SKIP that Series and go on to the next. I hope that makes sense. I might make a Youtube to see if that will make it clearer (including taking a SMP from default to the KUDOs Theme).

Cheers LB

FINALLY…I’ve been able to get it to work correctly! I don’t know what happened, but I finally got so frustrated that I just started COMPLETELY from scratch at the beginning of the tutorial, reinstalled thumbgen and reinstalled the theme. Probably all completely unnecessarily. I must have missed some check box or dash or something along the way, but it’s working for me now.

Only thing I have now is a very odd thing, where the movie jacket appears several (like 7 or 8) times under the movie sheet. Happened with Mojo first, and now this. I’m stumped. Any help guys? Thanks!

This theme is GORGEOUS!

SOLVED the above prolem! Deleted the WD data on the Hard Drive and let the SMP rescan…no more problems!!

BUT, how do I get rid of the stars and heart that are up there to indicate my rating and if it is my favorite? I don’t see that in most of the screenshots.
