Kernel 4.9.330 for My Cloud Home Duo

You can try to download the boot files from - Google Drive, then unzip the files to USB drive. power off MCHD and attache the USB drive to the first USB slot, press the reset and power on the MCHD, keep press reset for about 15s unitl the LED keep lights. the system should boot up and you can try to connect with telnet with IP of MCHD, after you connected run “mkdir /mnt/sdb1, mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sdb1, fwtutil -r 5:/mnt/sdb1/emmc.uImage -r 12:/mnt/sdb1/emmc.uImage -r 6:/mnt/sdb1/rescue.emmc.dtb -r 7:/mnt/sdb1/rescue.emmc.dtb, reboot -f”

after the system restart, the Kernel should be updated. I use the 4.9.226 not 330 since I find Kernel 330 not stable in my drive, but if you like you can replace the emmc.uImage & rescue.emmc.dtb with 330 version and have a try.