Issue with mobile app automatically re-downloading files

I use the app to download media files from My Cloud to my mobile device (Android, latest OS) - when I’ve finished watching the file, I delete it from my device (via the MX .

Recently, when I go to download more files, the app appears to re-download the previous files on to my device. I’ve deleted them, I’ve not requested them to be re-downloaded, any ideas why this is happening? I’ve cleared the cache, I’ve turned the cache off, none of this appears to make any difference, when I go to access files - the older files repeatedly turn up.

Any thoughts much appreciated.


Sounds like you are running an automatic backup. Is this happening with all the files?

Check the settings on the app and see if the app is set to download files using your mobile data or Wifi only.

Thanks for responding.

I looked at my back up settings and all was switched off. I’ve just deleted the app and reinstalled. Seems to have cleared the issue for now.