Is new firmware causing videos not to play?

I have had no problem playing .avi, .mp4, .mkv files on my WDTV Live until maybe about a month or so ago. Now many of my video files won’t play. They just say that the file format is unrecognized. I’m still downloading from the same uploader so I can’t imagine that he would upload videos in randomly various formats.

I know not all .avi files are exactly the same but even converting the files into an .mp4 or making it compatible for Apple TV  using Any Video Converter doesn’t change it.

Is this something that could have been caused by the latest firmware update? If so, I’m having trouble rolling back. I’ve followed all the instructions given by WD but the firmware shows up as a .bin file and I can’t open it on my Mac. I’ve tried Stuffit Expander, UnArchiver, Archive Utility. Nothing recognizes the file format.

I’m willing to convert all the files to make them play on my WDTV Live, but I don’t know what to format it to to make it work.

Any ideas on either option?

Are you playing them all from the same storage-source? If yes, maybe that’s the cause and the storage-device is broken.

If not, no idea. I guess you’ve already done a factory-reset.

And you don’t need to open the bin, just extract the four files in the firmware-update/-rollback-archives onto an usb-stick (format it as FAT32, just in case) and plug it in.