Is Hitachi Life Studio part of WD now? I can't make Windows 10 recognise mine

Dear Anyone.

Bit puzzled. Bought - finally! - a Windows 10 PC after using my lovely Windows 8 one till about 6 weeks ago. I’ve got a Hitachi LifeStudio backup drive. My Windows 8 recognised it fine - but I don’t have it anymore. My Windows 10 one wouldn’t recognise it for love nor money, so I E_mailed Hitachi to ask why - and they told me Western Digital had bought their Lifestudio range out. Can’t find any mention of Lifestudio anywhere, so I came here!

Please, anyone know how to make Windows 10 recognise Hitachi Life Studio Backup Drive WITHOUT wanting to wipe it? I’m pretty sure mine’s working fine, and the only time Windows 10 came close to seeing it, it asked me if I wanted to format it. So I unplugged it from the computer straight off. Do I need a driver for it for Windows 10? If so, where do I download the software? If not - what could the problem be?

I’ve got many years work on that thing!

Yours hopefully



First check this, if you haven’t already.
Enable SMB 1.0 CIFS File Sharing Support for My Cloud, My Cloud Home, My Passport Wireless and Legacy NAS Products (

Format Definition - What are the meanings of “format?” (

hitachi life studio how to use - Google Search

High-Performance SSDs, HDDs, USB Drives, & Memory Cards | Western Digital


Dear Cat0w.

I know what ‘format’ means - it means to erase all the data (AAARRRGGGHHH) on a hard drive and make it usable as empty. Windows 10 was only saying that because it didn’t seem able to read the drive, but I’m pretty sure the drive’s not corrupted.

Do you think Win10’s having problems with the built-in software on the drive? If so, any ideas how I can get it past the problems so I can access a decade’s worth of work again? Please!?!

Yours hopefully


Is SMB 1.0 enabled? If it is, then how old is your device Hitachi Life Studio?

Dear Cat0w.

You’ve HALF got me on this one - I’ve zero idea what SMB1.0 is. So I Googled it after reading your question cos I’d never heard of it and discovered it was something Microsoft had started using as a file-sharing protocol. I know what protocols are - they’re Standard Ways of Doing Things that Make Life Easier - if everyone conforms to the same protocols, it means the software’s more likely to work.

Thing IS - that’s ALL I know. I’ve no idea what it does, whether it should be working for Hitachi Life Studio to work, any of it. You’ll have to tell me what it’s supposed to do/whether or not it should be working. All I know is all the files used to just come up on the screen and I could choose one and work on it. And save it back to the Hitachi afterwards. Every time I got new files to work on, I had the software on the internal drive and kept the files on the Hitachi. If it got too full, I killed ancient files, true, but a LOT of them I kept because I went back to them from time to time.

Now all I know is I can’t get TO them any more! I’ve even thought of buying another internal disk, putting Windows XP or 8 on it and booting up from that when I want to use the Hitachi, but I was just hoping there was a way to make Windows 10 read it before I did anything like that.

Explain what SMB is, how I check if it is/isn’t running and whether or not it SHOULD be running and I’ll do what you say - but be careful, I really don’t want to lose all this stuff and I’m genuinely scared I might do.

I’ve had the Life Studio for roughly a decade. I bought it second hand but my then-XP drive read it beautifully. As did Windows 8. It’s only since I’ve got this Windows 10 machine I’ve not been able to use it. And please pretend I’m an ■■■■■ (who’s pretending, Cat0w sighs!) I know a lot about DOS, but not the file you mentioned. I know you can access external hard drives on bootup cos I’ve got UEFI, but I’m not sure if that makes DOS able to see external hard drives or not. Even if it DOES, and DOS sees my files, how do I go from there to making Windows and my software see them?

Yours hopefully



I provided a link for SMB 1.0 that states in it, “File Sharing Support”. This should make your device show under Network if it’s attached to your Network. It will also show how to check to see if SMB 1.0 is on and if not how to turn it on. Did you look at and use the links I provided?

When you bought your device what were the system requirements for using it? Is it compatible with Windows 10?

I don’t know anything about your device or if WD owns the product. I have a WDMYCLOUD 2nd generation on my Network. To open it on my computer and see my shares and files in them I use File Explorer, Windows 11 Pro. See example image below. I do have SMB 1.0 on.


Have you tried this and disregarded number five since yours is already formatted?
