Installing Java on My Cloud


is it possible to install java on my own cloud???

not sure but this device is extremly limited on CPU and memory so I would not suggest it even if possiable

but if it´s possilbe I would like to try it. I need Java to run “subsonic”.

So if there is a way please let me know.


Regards from Germany

I agree with larry0 … I don’t believe this is possible, but if it was it would mean hacking the OS of the My Cloud. This would not only void your warranty but could possibly brick your system.

for the ex4 Model it seems to be possible:

but the hardware specs might be better…

testperson wrote:

for the ex4 Model it seems to be possible:


but the hardware specs might be better…

For EX4 model it seems similar with our WDMyCloud V4 install procedures. But for V4 java I can’t even complete the cross-compile, it’s quite impossible. The only success I had on V4 was the building and installing alternative java, libgcj headless. But this is an older and very limited JRE which don’t support newer java requirements like Subsonic.

That means I had to install at first debian/omv (…) to get jre working???

My goal was to get subsonic running, because the other dlna-server don´t allow searching for tracks…

Either clean Debian or downgrade to V3 firmwares.

Thats sad. :frowning:

for PR2100 I manage to install java like this:

  • in /usr/local: mkdir java
  • download in /usr/local/java:
    wget --no-check-certificate -c --header “Cookie: oraclelicense=accept-securebackup-cookie” Unauthorized Request
  • tar zxvf jre-8u151-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • in /usr/local/bin: ln -s /usr/local/java/jre1.8.0_161/bin/java java


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fox_exe’s debian chroot can run any number of java JREs.

The low memory on the unit is going to make this nasty though.