What a shame!!! This box has much more potential than the Roku and Boxee put together IMHO. However, it has more bugs in it than a tree stump in the forest! Thanks to the recent firmware update, my WD TV Live now:
Changes screen resolution on its on. i.e. it need to be set to 1080p60Hz, and it’s constantly switching to either 1080i or 720p - totally unacceptable!
At least once per day it loses “contact” with my external USB drive connected to it, so all media on this drive is unuseable until I “remount” the drive.
At least every other day, some times once a day, it freezes to the point that unplugging is required (It won’t even turn off with the off switch on the remote)
Essentially, the only thing that this box can consistently be reliable at doing right now is being a paperweight. It’s sad, because I really liked this box better than my Roku 1 which I’ve had for a year. But, now I’m going to have to go back to the Roku because, despite it’s limitations on playing home media file types, at least the Roku is rock-solid reliable.
I’m very disapointed by this, and I wish WD was more resposive to all of the reported problems out there. Sadly this mirrors WD’s response to problems I had with a WD Worldbook external drive I bought about 4 years ago. That one went back too.