I need help to understand the WD MY cloud in my companie

Hello, i want to start by apologizing because English is not my first language and say thanks to all the people who lost time helping me

the office were i work have a white my cloud device that looks like a big HD, and today due to some security problems with passwords the owner wants to disable the my cloud and continue to use it as a backup device and asked me to try to solve this.

My questions are:
-Does that white thing that says MyCloud have and hard drive inside?
-Is it possible to use this without an access trough my cloud?
-Can i turn off all the access by my cloud and still use it as a backup device?

thank you to everyone

Edit: the product is this one: wdbctl0020hwt-00

Start by reading the My Cloud User Manual (http://support.wdc.com/product.aspx?ID=904) which explains how to use the My Cloud and its features along with how to set its various options including disabling Cloud Access.

The My Cloud does have a hard drive within it. The My Cloud is a network attached storage device and is designed to be connected to the local network so other local network devices can access it. One can disable remote access by accessing the My Cloud Dashboard and turning off Remote Access under Settings > General.> Cloud Access > Remote Access = Off.


@Joao_Machado If you have more questions you may be able to find the answer here, https://support.wdc.com/product.aspx?ID=904&lang=en .