I have hauppauge wintv duel tuner now what

i have downloaded and installed the
TV/Media Device Drivers to my pr 2100 and i have installed plex on it and have the plex pass but how do it get the tuner to be recognized on nas/plex and scan for channels ? the light is grenn on the tuner but i dont know what the next step i dont see it on plex please can somebody help


Please refer to the following KBA article: My Cloud OS 3: Install Plex App on Firmware 2.21.126 or Lower

I have the same problem, and chris - you explain how Plex works, what is not DarrSau or my problem. I attach the Hauppauge WinTV-dualHD Dual Tuner to USB Port 1, and the Configure Button is not highlighted for the TV/Media Receiver App that support this Tuner. As result the TV-Media Receiver cannot be setup, integrating in Plex is Step 2. The Problem is Step 1 (MyCloud did no recognize the Hauppauge Tuner).

Hi I found if you uninstall Plex and reinstall and then turn the nas on and off the usb tuner is recognized

I did this, it did not change. How you notice, that the USB Tuner is recognized and where in Plex the Channels show up. Under Live.TV i still only see the Channels from Plex.TV.

R u using the front USB port or the rear the front is only for cameras

And uninstall and reinstall the tv/media device drivers

I use a My Cloud EX2 Ultra, there have two USB Ports in the Back, none in the Front. After testing the Tuner on two other devices, right now I think the Tuner is faulty (even when its new). I will get a replacement and try it again. any thanks for the tips, that may help when I have a working tuner.

Umm… not sure, but I think Plex cannot work with this USB tuner on NAS - on general Linux, yes, bc you can pull the drivers from repo, but WD use modified Linux OS, so these drivers are not available, probably. I saw there is an package of tuner drivers on WD appstore, but question is what devices are supported by these. Officially, Plex supports Silicondust network tuner and AntennasDirect Clearstream TV, which is also network based, on NASes.

I have a or 2100 and it works with winTV dual hd usb

I have got a My Cloud EX2 Ultra like terra3110

And my WinTV-dualHD is supported by the drivers on WD appstore.
Plex detects some channels (DVB-T in France), but can’t playback any channel.
Any idea ?

click the Setup button on the lower left hand side of the WinTV app. click the Device tab. Choose your WinTV product, and then click Tuner setup. you should see a list of video and audio sourcs available on your Hauppauge TV tuner.
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