I can't see the dashboard or my files on a Sony TV XBR-905

Hi All,

I am setting up my wd my cloud tv. I could configure it and I am able to see files using a notebook or my cloud app from a mobile device but I can’t open the dashboard through the wdmycloud.com or using an IP Address on a brownser. I still can’t see my files on a Sony TV XBR (tried two different devices). Have you ever an idea what’s happening?

Using MyCloud, Google Wi-Fi and Sony TV XBR-905

Thanks a lot!

What do you mean by, wd my cloud tv? Is Google Wi-Fi your Internet Service Provider? You say you have a Sony TV XBR-905. Does it have a browser on the TV?

I have a Sony Bravia, Smart TV, 4K etc. If I want to view things from my WD MY CLOUDS I would select Music to see my music, Photos to see my pictures etc. If I want to see the Dashboard I can enter the address in the browser.

I am going to add some example images from my Sony Bravia TV. Hope this will help. Click on, tap, or activate images to enlarge them.

Photo One, I used the address for my My Cloud in the Browser on my TV.

Photo Two, I sign in and open the Dashboard

Photo Three, Using my apps on my Sony TV I can choose what I want to view or use the browser.

Photo Four, After selecting Music and opening it this is what I see.

Photo Five, signing in by way of mycloud.com using the browser on my TV.

Photo Six, I select my device.

Photo Seven, after signing in I can view whats on my WD MY CLOUD.

Hi Thanks,

It’s like my Sony TV don’t recognize WD My cloud. It’s connected via Google Wi-Fi directly with a Ethernet cable.

I can see files using a laptop (under network) and using my cloud app but I can’t see on both Sony TV.


Ronaldo Gomes

Try loading VLC media player on your TV. I have a Sony Bravia and it works great on mine.

I’m not sure why you replied to me. I showed all those images showing how my TV works. This topic is ten months old.