I can't accés to NO plublic folders from W7

Hi, When I dissable a pubilc folder from WDMyCloud DashBoard, then I can’t accés from Windows 7. Windows ask me for a username and password but any password is correct. I see some tutorials about samba and windows7 but any of them helps me.

Thanks for your help.

When you set a Share to Private within the My Cloud Dashboard, did you also set or configure User permissions (Full Access, Read Only, No Access) to access that now Private Share? Are you using the User name and password created within the My Cloud Dashboard to access that now Private Share?

See the My Cloud User Manual (http://www.wdc.com/wdproducts/library/?id=439&type=25), Chapter 7 Managing Shares, Making a Share Private for more information on Private Share’s.

If you have User’s configured for that Private Share access, what is the specific error message you are receiving when tying to access that Share?

I show you the dashboard configuration, you can see that the folder is only reading for the two users. Also I attach the screen that apears when I try to go in to the folder. I write several users and passwords but any is correct. If I change the privat folder to a public folder there isn’t any problem to acces.

When you attempt to log in and it fails does another dialog box pop up, one different than the login screen indicating access denied?

Also what version of Windows are you using?
Have you rebooted the Windows computer?
What My Cloud model and firmware version are you using?
Have you rebooted or power cycled the My Cloud?
Do you have another computer or mobile device you can use to test access to the Private Share?

In some rare instances performing a 4 second reset or a 40 second system restore may fix certain issues. After performing the reset or restore access the My Cloud Dashboard and reconfigure as necessary.



I reset My Cloud for four seconds, but my private folders doesn’t work.
My version of windows is Windows 7 ultimates Sp 1
The Firmware is 2.11.140
I tried to acces from my mobile. I could acces to the public folders, but I couldn’t to the Private Folders

If you need something else tell me.


Have you already connected to the Public share? If so, you may need to disconnect from that, and then connect to all shares using the same MyCloud credentials for all shares (unless Win10 has fixed the Windows limitation of only being able to use a single set of credentials to connect to multiple network drives).

Yes I conect to Public share without problems

What are the MyCloud credentials?

They are the username of My Cloud, Administrator of Windows, …

In that case, you may need to disconnect the Public share.

The username (not the email address) and password of a User on the MyCloud. This could be the administrator user, or another user.

Windows does not allow you to connect to network drives using mixed credentials. When you connect to Public, Windows will connect using your Windows username and password (even though no credentials are needed for Public). When you then come to connect Private shares, and try to give your MyCloud user credentials, Windows will not let you connect, because that would be mixing network drive credentials.

You need to disconnect the Public share, and then re-connect using the MyCloud user credentials for all shares; select ‘connect as a different user’ or ‘connect using different credentials’.
