I cannot connect to mycloud home duo on today

What happened, please?

No local access via WD Discovery no remote via https://home.mycloud.com/ not working.

Please help :pray:


Everything is down apparently for everybody.





so in the mean time get f***

:wave: Hello
My name is Irina
I also stopped going to the cloud, throws it out if I go from the phone, did you resume working? Is the problem solved or is it global?

Hi there,

As this is a down due to the security issue WD encountered and that there’s nowhere any delay on when this will be back to normal, IM trying to access my cloud home duo through my local network but can’t by the classic ways of mapping a drive (under win 11) anyone can help with a procedure or tips to go and get my files ?


WD should fix this Quickly as this is not acceptable not being able to access our own data and further more changing the way we access data from the original spec of the product at the time of purchase is outrageous I can understand why someone would want to hack your services as you treat customers with contempt I have 3 of your products and will never purchase another and will actively discourage anyone I know from buyin from this high handed inconsiderate trader masquerading as a reputable company.


2 DIAS SIN CONECXION , esto es una verguenza. ya no compro nunca mas wd ,mycloud, con synlogy esto no pasa. basura de aparatoy basura de soporte tecnico.

No update from wd…they really dont seem to care …looking for a new cloud away from them especially that in june this year all support will stop


Found updates

Hello, has anyone an idea, how I can directly get access in my network via LAN? If I open tje file mycloud I can onöy see two folders, which are empty. Thanks.

You should have enabled the local access in the web app and set a local username and password.
At the moment the web app is offline… so… you can’t do that.
I’m with you guys on this… after this problem is solved… IF it is solved… im going to look for other options in the market… i bought this home cloud 2 or 3 years ago… and it simply voids all that i bought it for.
I wanted this hardware for the backup and internet access from anywhere… if it becomes a simple network harddrive … it’s just garbage

Thank you very much! It’s working okay now :clap: :clap: :clap: