How to upload from pictures from MYCloud device to Shutterly?

New to this device - please help!

No idea what “Shutterly is”.

Since your new to the device I would suggest you read the WD My Cloud User Manual as it answers many questions and explains the features and options of the My Cloud.

On the single drive My Cloud devices there is no WD supported capability to copy or upload content to online file storage sites direct from the My Cloud. You would probably have to use a computer to connect to that Shutterly site then copy/upload the files through the computer from the My Cloud. Mapping a a My Cloud share to one’s computer (see the User Manual for more information on mapping drives) will make it somewhat easier.

Edit to add: Unofficially there may be ways to use SSH commands to copy data from the My Cloud to a remote site but it would depend on how one is able to access the remote site.

You haven’t given much information but below are three images of how I would do it from my computers running Windows 10. Currently I am on my desktop.

Click, tap or activate images to enlarge them.

I hope these images help.
