How to downdate the firmware on a MBL?

I receive the error 31101 when trying to downdate from version 02.03.01-24 to version 02.02.02-20 :(.

You can’t downdate the firmware. If you do finally manage to fiddle it so it does then be prepared to briek your MyBook Live and end up having to send it back to Western Digital to have it de-bricked and/or swapped.

I whish downdate is an option.  Mine has 1.05.07 firmware and I installed Loagitech Squeezebox server on it.  Never want to update since cannot go back.

ply3908 wrote:

I whish downdate is an option.  Mine has 1.05.07 firmware and I installed Loagitech Squeezebox server on it.  Never want to update since cannot go back.

    • *No, but you can install the Logitech Server, newest version is called Logitech Media Server, again, after an upgrade. That’s what I did twice already, without any issues. Greetings listener1

Good to know.  Thank Listener1.

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