How Do You Design Your Own Theme?

Where do you begin?

Is there a theme generator that WD puts out?


NOTE: I have the SMP

to start off grab a full copy of the original mochi theme

link is in this thread

I’ve hosted more themes as well, with links on I’ve also done  a full write up on how to theme, however, it’s largely out of date and mainly for older devices

but the good news theming the hub and smp are significantly easier

just unzip,

edit the xml’s or replace images

zip and done

KAD79 wrote:


but the good news theming the hub and smp are significantly easier

just unzip,

edit the xml’s or replace images

zip and done

Cool! I’ll give it a shot.

Sorry to hijack this thread but figured it would be better than starting a new one.

Is there a first XML file that gets called? One that maybe includes others to start the process. Sort of like an index file?

I don’t particularly like the way the files are set out, named and ordered so want to make some changes.

Also is there a thread explaining what some of the functions are in the XML file so I know what, and what not, to modify? I’ve pretty much got the basics such as naming, background, positioning and size. A few are self explanatory but others I’m not so sure about.


The easist way by far is to download ThumbGen Designer and edit a base theme

Was that a reply for the OP or me?


It does not really matter, he seems to be confused, but for you,  you cant edit a theme to change file ordering and things like that, thats all done by the firmware.


You are not editing a Theme with Thumbgen designer, you are editing a moviesheet

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When working on a theme can you?

  1. Create a new theme folder in .wd_tv to work in
  2. Place the one .xml file you are working on in this new folder with the associated .jpgs and .pngs Like rv_home.xml  and rv_gallery_browse_page.xml
  3. If that’s the ONLY .xml file in the theme folder can we expect all the default mochi stuff to take over for what is NOT there