How do I format a non-G-Tech drive inside a G-Drive 4 TB casing?

An older G-Drive 4 TB busted recently (out of warranty), but I wanted to keep and reuse the casing. So I opened it up to place a new Toshiba 4 TB hard drive inside. All seemed to go OK, except when connected it did not give me the 4 TB storage space. It seemed to partition it and restrict me from most of the space inside the new hard drive. I tried to reformat the drive, but still the same result.

Is there a way I can use the casing with a non-factory formatted drive inside the G-Drive 4 TB casing?

I use OS X 10.11.6 (El Capitan).

Thanks for your help.

Are you sure the previous drive was 4TB? Depending on how old your G-DRIVE is it is possible that the enclosure does not support drives that large.

These enclosures were never designed to support anything other than HGST drives.

Thanks Rydia. Maybe I have the terminology wrong, but here are photos of what I have:

Thank you for your help,

Yeah, that is a much newer drive than I had thought prior. It will definitely support a drive larger than 4TB however we only ever tested them with HGST drives.

Hi Rydia, Thanks again. Actually, I wanted to put in another 4 TB (a Toshiba one), but when I inserted it, there seems to be some kind of filter that keeps naming it “G-Drive 4 TB” (or something like that) and it won’t allow me to access or rename the entire new hard drive (the Toshiba one). So, as I mentioned, I used Disk Utility to erase and format, but it did not do anything. Is there a process to remove this filter so I can rename the new hard drive and use the entire space? Thanks!

There is no filter that forces the name on the device. It will just read a SATA device for what it is, it should not retain any naming or capacity information of a previous device.

Hi Rydia, thanks for your involvement and answers. Unfortunately, as you say, the device shuldn’t retain any of these, but it does… so I don’t know what to do. I guess I have to dispose of it and that’s it.
