How can I configure iTunes Media Server to work with Remote app from Apple for streaming music?

I use the Remote app on my iPad to stream music to my ipad and home receiver from my iTunes library on my PC.  Now that I have a My Book Live, I want to stream music from this device.  I have iTunes Server working on my My Book Live and can stream music to my PC, but I cannot figure out how to get this to work with the Remote app on the iPad.  The Remote app says “To add an iTunes library, open iTunes on your computer and select “Xenas iPad” from the Devices list” and then it provide a passcode.  However, I cannot figure out how to do this with the iTunes Media Server on the My Book Live.

Any suggestions?

BTW, I have two goals:

 1 - to be able to stream my iTunes library to my iPad

 2 - to be able to use the Remote app on my iPad to stream my iTunes library to my Denon receiver via AirPlay (I can do this now with iTunes on my PC)

Thanks in advance,


As far as I know, you can’t.

DAAP-D (a/k/a iTunes Server) only streams to iTunes clients.   

That’s the way Apple designed it.