Hidden .wdmc and whats next?

Hey WD Community.

I have an problem with my WD My Cloud EX2 …

Since the last Update the Device create hidden .wdmc stuff.

The problem now is, i can´t delete it and it´s impossible to sort my folders …

What now? I only read here that you have to use many ( for me unknowable ) stuff to delete these?

Is there an easy way to ?

Hi there,

Welcome to the WD Community.

As far as I know, it’s been like that on previews firmware. I believe that those files/folder are hidden on the drive.

Yes, this issue has been discussed previously.


I hoped this bug would be fixed in this new release, but it seems to not be the case.

Hey :slight_smile:

Thx for the replyes. So, it´s an bug … i hope they will fix that bevause my 6 tera of files need to be sortet … but with this .wdmc folders there is no way i can delete the old one :frowning: