Help with My Net N900 Central

I need some help with the My Net N900 Central.

I currently have a fiber internet connection with an exisiting Fiber Modem which has its own DHCP server.

I would like to install the My Net N900 Central to get its IP Address from this fiber modem and also allow any clients that connect to it to get its IP addresses from the fiber modem. I still want the My Net N900 Central to act as a router and not put it in AP Mode otherwise I can use the remote access features (i.e. WD2GO).

Can it be done? If so How?


Hi there, try to see if you can set the router up with the option to clone mac address, this option should be under the wan settings on advanced settings.

This link from the user manual will help you get to the option:

Can you explain a little more how cloning the mac address will help and which mac address to clone?

Hi, in some cases ISP’s will only allow certain mac addresses with their router to have Internet connection and if you use 2 routers this can cause the Internet not to work correctly, when you use the My Net as an access point, the router is actually working as a switch and this might be the reason it is transmitting Internet from there. this is why I recommended to clone the computes mac address to see if by doing this the modem does not have any issues transmitting Internet through another router.

On this case the option will say clone computers mac address.

Thanks. But I dont think that is my problem.
My Fiber modem is also my dhcp server which will serve IPs in the same range.
If i set the my net router as an AP then all the features for remote access dissapear. If i set it as a router then it will serve its own IPs in a different range 192.168.6.x to whatever connects to it but then i cant see anything else on my network in range 192.168.1.X (i.e. network printers etc.) Im stuck…

Does your fiber modem have the option to be put into bridge mode? If so then the N900 can be put into router mode, just an idea

Thanks. Am planning that.