HELP - WD TV Live and MyBook Live Networking Problem

Hi everyone, I was hoping someone can help me with this problem. I have a WD TV Live hard-wired to my router. I also have a MyBook Live 2TB on the network. And I’m running Windows 7 on my PC. The WD TV Live can see the MyBook only when I search for it as a Media Server. However, not all the files on the MyBook appear (i.e. a have a bunch of .iso files that do not show up). My understanding is that I need to connect to the MyBook as a Network Share. But when I look for it under Network Share - Windows Shares, I just get a never-ending search and nothing shows up. Can anyone help me with this? I’m sure there are some settings I need to change somewhere but I’ve fooled with this thing for hours and haven’t found a solution. I am not a networking expert but I have a basic competency so I can follow instructions :slight_smile: Also, one of the main reasons I purchased the TV Live was to get a thumbnail view of my movies. Will I be able to get that once this Network Share issue is resolved? Thanks in advance.

You may confirm that both, the My Book Live and the WD TV Live, are on the same Workgroup.  You may also confirm you have both updated to its latest firmwares, and try to reset them, by holding the reset button for 4 seconds.

Firmware update WD TV LIve:  How to update the firmware on a WD TV Live HD Media Player or WD TV Live Plus HD Media Player 

Firmware update MBL:  How to update the firmware on a My Book Live or My Book Live Duo