Help! My device has gone dark after firmware upgrade 2.1.3 to 2.2.91

I have a WD ShareSpace 4TB. It was running firmware version 2.1.3. A temporary fit of insanity caused me to run a firmware upgrade. I did this through the device’s web admin interface simply by pressing the “Upgrade” button.

The firmware download and install went smoothly. No, it was not interrupted. Successful completion was reported. But now the device is inaccessible on my network - no web interface and no folder shares.

The device responds to ping and ssh. I can connect to the ssh port using putty, but cannot log in as root using the passwords ‘welc0me’, ‘admin’, ‘password’ or other similar guesses.

When rebooting, the LEDs show all green, including the network, but after several minutes the system event LED turns red.

Does anyone have any suggestions or guidance on how I can either diagnose/fix the network problem, or rollback the update?


If you haven’t done so, try powering down and restarting. There is no way to rollback. Sounds like the network is activated, but the required services are not being initialized.

Yep, I tried a power down restart. Same result. SSH listening, but not able to log in. No other network services available.

My next move has been to do a “general reset”, using the button at the back of the device. The manual says this resets the basic device settings without affecting any data on the drives (which is critical - I need to retrieve this data).

After this, the device now is visible on the network and it has a working web interface. Firmware level reported is 2.1.3, i.e. the version before I attempted to upgrade. The SSH sevrice is gone :-(.

I would be happy at this point if everything was back to square one. However I have the dreaded “DataVolume does not exist” system error, and all of the shared folders are inaccessible. This is even though all 4 drives report a ‘good’ status in the NSM interface.

I’ve included the system log below…

Questions I have are:

a) Is there any way to get a logon on the box? I know plenty about Linux, so if I can get a login, I would have a good chance at properly fixing this.

b) I’ve read elsewhere that “there is a telnet daemon which can be activated via a special url, …” Does anyone know what this special URL is?

c) Any other suggestions?? My only priority now is file retrieval.

Thanks in advance…

Here is my system log:-


 01/04 19:59:00  WDShareSpace daemon.alert wixEvent[848]: Volume Status - Volume ‘DataVolume’ doesn’t exist.
 01/04 19:37:14  WDShareSpace daemon.warn wixEvent[848]: iTunes Server - iTunes server cannot find the path to /Public/Shared Music. Please verify that the folder name has not been changed.
 01/04 19:36:40  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: Network IP Address - NIC 1 got IP address from DHCP server.
 01/04 19:36:40  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: System Startup - System startup.
 01/04 19:36:40  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is up 100 Mbps full duplex.
 01/04 19:36:29  WDShareSpace daemon.warn wixEvent[848]: Network Link - NIC 1 link is down.
 01/04 19:36:29  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: HDD Status - HDD 1 is found.
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: HDD Status - HDD 2 is found.
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: === Walking directory done.
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: === mc_trans_updater_init() …Done.
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: mc_trans_updater_init() …
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: === inotify init done.
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: === mcUtilsInit() Done.
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: mcUtilsInit() Creating free queue pool
 01/04 19:36:27  WDShareSpace miocrawler: === mc_db_init …Done.
 01/04 19:36:25  WDShareSpace miocrawler: ++++++++ database exists: ret = 0
 01/04 19:36:25  WDShareSpace miocrawler: mc_db_init …
 01/04 19:36:25  WDShareSpace miocrawler: +++++++++++++++ START OF ./miocrawler at 2011:01:04 - 19:36:25 [Version] ++++++++++++++
 01/04 19:36:19  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: HDD Status - HDD 3 is found.
 01/04 19:36:14  WDShareSpace wixEvent[848]: HDD Status - HDD 4 is found.
 01/04 19:36:09  WDShareSpace syslogd started: BusyBox v1.1.1


I have a similar problem, had a disk fail, backed up thank god ( 7 days to back up 600Gb…) then had a successful firmware upgrade message but now I have 4 amber lights for dead drives where before I had only one.

and the RMA process requires me to ship the drive to Singapore at my expense… and wait 5-9 days.

then I assume it will take a week to rebuild data

so that’s 3 weeks plus of downtime inc backup, replace and reinstall

last WD product for me.

Just to wrap this up, I’ve been successful in getting a logon on the box and manually re-instating the /DataVolume partition. To anyone that has the dreaded “DataVolume does not exist” system error, I suggest reading every single post in this thread:

It contains a stash of very useful tips and solutions.

As a general comment to WD, it’s disappointing that a firmware upgrade process can be so “brittle”, almost leading to a complete loss of all content on the machine, even though all recommended upgrade preparations were taken. In my case, I was lucky to be able to apply a ton of technical know-how to diagnose the problem and save my files (which were completely in tact, but just not accessible). The upgrade system needs to be a lot more robust.