HELP My Cloud EX4 16TB not responding


My Cloud Ex4 stopped responding. I cannou access web interface or SSH.

I tryed unplug and plug again. After 3 operations of this kind, I can access the webinterface but when I do config (ex. activate SSH) stops responding again. Again 3 times restart (with 30 mins between operations), again I can se it…I do something on it and I loose it again. I cannot access the web, I cannot see the foldershares.

I tryed Firmware Update, in the short time I can manage it, but it stops working to soon for me to resolv something.

I did not tryed to reset it yet, I stopped here first.

Does someone have any ideea of what is going on with my toy?

Best wishes,


Welcome to the Community.

Such behavior is not common or expected. Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

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I’ve finally resolved the problem by turning off all uneasy services especially media indexing. The raid 5 also takes a lot of resources.  Finally I reconfigured to JOBD.This reduced CPU from 100% usage. I first had to default the system though to get access to dashboard (no loss of data). I now get acceptable response.

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Thank you very much for sharing the outcome. Hopefully this information will benefit additional Users in need.

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