HELP! My Book - WD Player

Hi, I have a new WD Player and a 6TB My Book HD I have some movies on it and plugged it into the WD player and it doesn’t see it? can you help me???

The HD might be too large of capacity, or you may need to map the drive with the WD Discovery utility. Get the complete user manual. from for details.

There have been several reports of up to 8TB Capacity Drives working on the latest WDTV’s

I can only (personally) confirm my 4TB My Book works fine via USB.

There could be a few reasons why the OP’s 6TB is not being recognized … but the user has provided very little info. So, it’s a guessing game.

I figured it out when you disconnect the hard drive from the computer you have to use the ‘safely remove device’ Icon on the corner first here is the answer:)

BUT know I get an error message on the WD TV device telling me that the Memory is low and if I proceed it may effect quality what does that mean?

Just tried the 6 TB My Book again and it still isn’t recognized:( BUT my WD 3 TB drive works:(

WELLL the 3TB WD HD works fine the 6 TB WD HD My Book STILL isnt recognized what a bad product!

have you run a chkdsk on the 6TB ?

no I just got the drive its brand new and works fine on my computer??? but I will transfer all my movies off it to my other hard drives then wipe it out and add a few movies and see if it works?

i’ve heard that lots of times and then people run a chkdsk and discover there were some errors.

anyways, not guaranteeing there will be errors … but it certainly would’nt hurt and only takes about 60 seconds.

I ran it no errors:( so now I am just going to transfer the 790 GB to my 3 TB drive for now wipe out the 6TB drive and put all the other files on there and use the 2 and 3 TB drives for my movies lots of work but I am sure it will be worth it in the end:)

I’ve never seen the last part regarding quality, but get the low memory message far too often. It basically means you have to remove the power cord, leave for a few minutes, than reconnect…Repeat the process when the message reappears.

Hi , I have just swapped portable drives on my WDMedia Live player. Have a brand new WD Elements 1TB drive and my WD player doesn’t recognise it . It still recognises the older passport 1tb drive which works fine . Sometimes, rarely, the Elements drive syncs and works but not often. I Keep getting the message “previously connected content source disconnected . Would you like to try another source.” I know that the the drive works with Windows 10 OK, and that the USB3 connection is backwards compatible with USB2 connection on the media player. Other than that I’m stumped. Would love any help please . Thanks FF