Help I lost my data in MY BOOK LIVE DUO 4TB

Hi. Need help because I lost my data in the WD My Book Live Duo 4TB. I used the Quick Factory Restore function, the system restarts all gone.

Hi. Need help because I lost my data in the WD My Book Live Duo 4TB. I used the Quick Factory Restore function, the system restarts all gone.

Enybody help me with tis problem. That is oficial  recomenation of WD, please tell me

Try using R-Linux
It works on the single drive MyBookLive. Just remember to recover the data to any other drive other than the MyBookLive hard drive.

I have tried this program. I removed the WD drives, they connected the PC, the program discovered the single disks, not RAID. The program discovered some kind of files, their names have been changed and the same files small size, video files are accepted by over, but very poor quality. This is probably the result of RAID missing.  IT engineer also tried to deal this problem, he said that the problem was that using Quick Factory Restore settings, on the top of HDD was written a new RAID0. What should I do, because the WD interface written for selecting qeek factory recovery function, data can be restored, WD engineers tell me how?