HELP I have deleted everything

I was struggling to login to my SSD, and I deleted all the data.

How to get them back, Please.

Hi @husammaaya,

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

I’m sorry to hear that you are experiencing this issue. Unfortunately, once you have deleted data from your SSD, it can be very difficult, if not impossible, to recover it.

There are some data recovery software tools available like Stellar data recovery, recuva, etc., that may be able to recover deleted data from your SSD.

In addition, it is important to stop using the SSD immediately after you have deleted the data, as continued use can overwrite the deleted data, making it even harder or impossible to recover.
Let me know if I could help you further.

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Whether or not you have the TRIM command enabled will have a significant impact on your success rate.

The SSD TRIM command, when enabled, enables your operating system to tell the SSD that unneeded data can be internally erased. By doing this, subsequent write operations will be expedited, boosting the SSD’s overall performance.

The deleted data or data from corrupt SSD can be recovered provided that the drive is not overwritten. When a file is simply deleted from SSD, then it moves to the Trash (Mac) and Recycle Bin (Windows). If you permanently delete files from SSD, can you perform SSD undelete? When you use a TRIM-enabled SSD (all modern SSDs support TRIM), deleted files are removed immediately and can’t be recovered. Your operating system erases files immediately to speed up write performance. So, it’s quite difficult to recover data once the SSD is overwritten.
Kindly let me know SSD was TRIM enabled or not? If not you can use data recovery software to recover your lost data but if TRIM is enabled then chances is very less.