Help - Blue Led blinking very fast after reboot. Can't acces dashboard

Hello friends, I have big problem. I have wdmycloud gen2 4TB probably with latest firmware 2.30.172.
I did make dirty hack in order to enable apps, crack WD, installed: Plex, Transmission, SleepFix, WDMyCloud_UtilsUpdate_17 and WDMyCloud_WDCrack first ver. 1.1. next 1.2. Then
I uninstalled transmission and reboot device.
When reboot MyCloud, Blue Led blinking very fast. I can’t login to dashboard only I see “The system is starting up. Wait.” I have access to my files on tv in Plex media server and Wdmycloud but nothing more. What can i do now? Please hepl.

Do you have a static IP address or are you using DHCP for your address. If DHCP then your address probably changed when you rebooted.

Are you on a Windows PC or some other computer?

Please look at the User Manual, LEDs for blue flashing LED and give it time to reboot.

I don’t have static IP address. My Router works like DHCP server and provides IP addresses on my local network, e.g. for WDMycloud. Now, when I try to log in, after entering the login and password from the computer, I can see only the inscription on login screen: “The system is starting. Wait” The blue led blinking for a long time and nothing has changed.

Typically one can access their router’s administration page to reserve an IP address for devices, like the My Cloud, on their local network. By doing so your router will use the same IP address each time for the My Cloud.

Thanks, but my router use the same IP address each time for WDMyCloud (I have address reservations). Problem is that blue led is blinking all the time and I can’t log into the dashboard. Otherwise it looks normal: I see dlna server (WDCLOUD) on the TV and local network and can read the files, hd goes sleep when I don’t uses it.

Have you tried a 4-second reset?

Yes, I have tried 4 second and 40 second reset. It’s the same. I do not have SSH enabled.

Success. I solved my problem! It was enough to turn off the UPnP settings on the router. Then the blue LED stopped flashing. I can log in to the dasboard now. Thanks Ralphael for the tips.