[GUIDE] Install Webmin NAS manager

It SHOULD be safe as it doesn’t install any dependencies if I remember correctly.

Only one way to find out… :slight_smile: Since, as you know, my device is semi-bricked, I’m trying everything before restoring the images.

I’ll install this and post the reports

When you remove the torrent from the list does it remove the physically .torrent file? If so, then this might not be needed.

Is my first time trying Transmission, but with uTorrent you could “Remove from list” and “Remove from list and delete data”. The first option wouldn’t remove the .torrent file (neither whatever it dowloaded).

You might want to carry around those .torrent files for stuff you uploaded yourself, to be able to seed them any time in the future.

Timmy1024 wrote:

When you remove the torrent from the list does it remove the physically .torrent file? If so, then this might not be needed.

Yep as soon as I remove the file from the window, the torrent get’s deleted

And we are in the wrong thread lol

Lol, you are right! :smiley:

Coming back on topic, Webmin installed and ran OK on My Book Live Duo. I see it has a zillion of option/commands and I don’t even know what to do with them, so probably I won’t be installing it on my “final” restore of MBLD after I debrick

Could somebody enlighten me on a couple of highlight features of Webmin? Some possibilities I might be missing, of very useful stuff for our devices?


EDIT: One feature, I’ve seen the “Bootup and Shutdown” tab and it has a lot of daemons that seem to run at startup. Is there a list of safe ones to disable to save memory / CPU / boot faster?

For example, I’ve seen a couple that in the description has “iTunes”. Since I’m anti-Apple, I don’t have any device, could I disable them from startup? And what about the other daemons?

Hi there,

Is it possible to install MySQL via Webmin or has anyone tested this? I’m having problems using guides from other sites

Hanshan put together some notes on installing mysql awhile back. It’s a little rough but might be worth a shot



My gosh, Isn’t there an easier way. Thats gonna take days…

lmao I’m sure there is… That guide I posted in your other thread didn’t work?


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Nope, its giving sock errors, gonna try webmin now and see, otherwise will take to work and let the Linux guys have a look. Thanks

I don’t know jack about mysql but I played a bit and it seems to be working

aptitude update
aptitude install mysql-server

When the installation was done I typed mysql at the prompt and it put me in the mysql monitor

Then I typed quit to quit the monitor

stop mysql

/etc/init.d/mysql stop

Then to fix the socket error

nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf

socket          =/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
socket          = /tmp/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Control and o

Hit enter

Control and x

to save file

And again

nano /etc/mysql/debian.cnf

socket   =/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
socket   = /tmp/mysqld/mysqld.sock

Control and o

Hit enter

Control and x

to save file

then run

/etc/init.d/mysql start

 Lemme know if it works as I don’t know how to test this stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks to darksquaru over at mybookworld wiki

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Another AMAZING job!!!

Has anyone played with the disk quotas? Just wondering, as that is a very attractive option…