[GUIDE] Debrick a completely dead MyCloud

Have you downloaded GParted Live on CD and burned it to a CD or GParted Live on USB and setup a USB flash drive with the program?

One usually has to instruct their computer to boot from the CD or USB flash drive. See step 5 in the initial post’s directions.

vâng tôi đang boot nó bằng GParted live USB trên 1 PC DELL . và nó không lên được phần giao diện
xin lỗi vì tôi không rành tiếng Anh cho lắm

Which method, explained on the GParted Live on USB web page, are you using to create the USB drive?

Other suggestions:
It may take several minutes for GParted to boot when it gets to the screen you initially posted (Debian).
If you have access to another computer try using it to boot from the USB key flash drive There may be an issue with that Dell computer booting using the GParted Live USB program.
There are other methods suggested up thread to debrick a My Cloud to use a new hard drive. If you use the Fox_Exe directions make sure to use the second gen directions for your My Cloud. First gen is indicated by a P/N number ending with “-00”. Second gen is indicated by a P/N number ending with “-10”.

vân tôi thấy mycloud của tôi là thế hệ thứ 2 (p/n -10 ) . hãy cho tôi đường dẫn hướng dẫn đúng.
đã bung được img ra hdd như nó vẫn báo đèn đỏ

nó đã hoạt động trở lại với ổ cứng 3T

If the first post of this discussion directions do not work there are other methods one can use to unbrick their hard drive. One can use the search feature (magnifying glass icon top right) to find many other discussions about unbricking and using new hard drives with the single bay My Cloud.

As explained in my earlier post, user Fox_exe has put together a set of unbrick directions that some have used to unbrick their second gen single bay My Cloud. See my post up thread:

Second gen directions: https://wd.hides.su/fox_exe/WDMyCloud-Gen2/_Unbricking_en.txt
usbrecovery.tar.gz: https://wd.hides.su/fox_exe/WDMyCloud-Gen2/usbrecovery.tar.gz
Alternate way second gen files:
uImage-wdrecovery: https://wd.hides.su/fox_exe/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing/uImage-wdrecovery
uRamdisk-wdrecovery: https://wd.hides.su/fox_exe/WDMyCloud-Gen2/Developing/uRamdisk-wdrecovery

tried this tutorial in post#1, and after power on i got a flashing blue LED for 5sec and after that only red flashing LED… tried both images (2TB an 3TB)

What else can i try? mine is 4TB version gen -10