"GROUP" Question

Hello All:

I am working with “GROUPS”, that I have yet to learn…have a few questions…

  1. When I created a GROUP and put a user in there…I set up the SHARE he is able to see…when going and viewing that user in the USER tab, I noticed that it does not reflect the same SHARE as what I see in the GROUP folder…should it not reflect the same in both USER & GROUP?

  2. I understand the purpose of GROUP which is to place numerous users in there to better organize and not have to scroll through the USERS tab…but is there any other purpose to using GROUPS?

  1. Either this is a visual bug, or the permissions are not being properly applied. It’s best to create a test user and see if group permissions are indeed respected even when not reflected in the Shares tab.

  2. Pretty much batch-management of multiple users, and sets of users.

Yea, I checked everything and what I set in the GROUPS does not reflect that within the per USER settings…Does it work on your end or you are seeing the same thing?

I can’t remember the specific problem but I gave up on groups as permissions were not being applied correctly.