Generating genre playlists from .xml data

Hi there,

I am trying to generate genre playlists for all my movies, taking the genre info from the .xml files that the WD TV Live Streaming generates itself.

So far I have found that Thumbgen has the ability to do this, but seems to only be able to from tgmd files, and I’m trying to avoid any Thumbgen faff.

Does anyone know of a solution?

Many thanks


If you mean just a simple playlist of movies, thats what i do.

Just create a Say “Horror.m3u” file, which is just a txt file created say in Notepad and the ext renamed as.m3u

In the file each line just as the relative path to your movie.

Thanks for your reply.

I’m aware of that, but I’m looking for a way to do it automatically for all my movies. With hundreds of films and multiple genres for each one I’m trying to find a way to do it fairly quickly.

As I said Thumbgen can do this but only from tgmd files, which I’m trying to avoid. Sorry to sound picky, but was hoping there would be a quick solution.


Sorry for the bump, but does anyone have any ideas on a solution for this?


Hi Ok, I am not at my home computer at the momment, and its a while ago since i first did it, so can not remmber the program, but i guess there is many outthere.

So what i did was use a program that  creates excel speadsheet or a txt file of all the files in folders and sub folders, giving you the whole path. Then in excel i just did some editing and copyed the txt file to the .m3u playlist.

Since i many only had movies in my folders, just stripping out the other files in excel was no problem.

Just an idea to work on, if this is the sort of way that may be helpfull, will try and fing program that i used.

If you’re perl literate, here’s a snippet of a perl script I wrote to make VIDEO playlists…

minor mods to the first line would make it work with any specific media type…

@filelist = `find '/mounts/hub/' -name '*.mkv' -o -name '*.m4v' | sort -R`;
open PLIST, ">/mounts/hub/Z-Playlists/Random Anything.m3u" or die " Error $!\n";

foreach $entry (@filelist) {
        chomp $entry;
        print PLIST ".." . substr($entry,11) ."\n"
close PLIST;