G-SPEED STUDIO - Command Times Out on Physical Disk

Windows 10, G-Speed Studio 24tb, gigabyte z270x-ud5

I’ve been having lots of trouble just trying to load video files onto the G-Speed Studio, multiple freezes and transfers slowing to 0. I was finally able to log into the dashboard during a transfer (whole G-Speed unit would usually lock out) and and seeing a recurring “Command times out on physical disk” happening from time to time. Is this the sign of a disk about to break, or a signal of some other issue?

It is possible the drive is still trying to build the RAID. Check the background activities tab and make sure it is not still Synchronizing.

If it is, then wait for it to finish before using the device. If it is not running and you are getting time out issue it can be due to a corrupt volume or drive failing. You can delete the RAID array and create a new one from scratch using the Wizard tab.

I waited until synchronizing finished, but I’m still getting this error. I’ve been copying a lot of video files to the array, and there just seem to be a couple files that make the whole system freeze. One is a 20gb video that I’ve tried copying from multiple sources and it freeze the system and/or does not complete the transfer.

In the NVRAM log I’m seeing the same 0x000D0011 on disk PD1 with fairly regular interval.

I also just received this Event message on another attempt that failed and resulted in a freeze.

The system is stopped by host hotplug with BGA

If you are repeatedly getting error messages about PD1 (Physical Disk 1) even after synchronization then that drive could be a bad drive. We can replace just the single drive, if you take the drive out and take the serial # off of it and go to RMA creation

If the unit itself is brand new and still within the return period you can send/take it back to the place of purchase for a full replacement.

I’ve replaced that one disk with the continued error and am currently rebuilding the array with a new disk. WIth the new disk, that error is still coming up intermittently during rebuild. Is that normal?

I also left it to rebuild over night and am seeing this error in the log, along with the command time out every 5 minutes or so.

0x000E0011 - PSU 5V power is out of the threshold range

If you have another power cable I’d suggest giving it a try. Also, check for firmware/software updates within the software utility. It is on the drop down menu at the top.

If you continue to exhibit these issues the problem would be with the controller/enclosure and the chassis would need to be swapped out.

Hi, I can see the firmware update, but where do I find the img file to update the unit? I’ve done tons of searching and the link in the manual does not link anywhere. My Software Utility is up to date and my unit firmware is 5.04.5200.62. Is that most recent.

Thanks for your continued help.

Also if helpful, the drive is disconnecting while in use causing Premiere to crash, and the event viewer shows this error:


  • Provider

[ Name] stexstpt

  • EventID 5

[ Qualifiers] 32768

Level 3

Task 0

Keywords 0x80000000000000

  • TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2017-08-21T22:08:21.836197100Z

EventRecordID 8247

Channel System

Computer DESKTOP-JEFU953


  • EventData


There is no image file, you went to the wrong location. The check for updates is on the Software Utility drop down at the top, it connects and downloads the needed files from the internet.