Forum is useless

I never get a solution on the forum. When I click on ‘Solution’ all it does is refresh the current screen.

What thread are you looking at?

Explanations for error code 1100 & 1102. Suggestions in most cases are “do reset”. I had just done reset when I got message. Prior to that all safepoints just outright failed to write.

Sorry to have confused you…

I didn’t ask you what your question was, I was asking what thread you were looking at that you say the “View Solution” did nothing but reload the page.

I am not sure it matters. Eah solution Ito varius questions resulted in a screen refresh no matter which “solution” I chose.

there is not a search for solution option on this forum, there is a general search.

the only 2 solution options here are to mark a reply to your post as a soulution so others can see it and if you are in a solved post clicking on the solution will take you to a page with the solution which many times on short threads is more like a refresh

this is a user fourm, if you want WD tech support this is not the place. if you post details about the problems instead of “Forum is useless” you will probably get other users to help

silverfox2 wrote:

I am not sure it matters. Eah solution Ito varius questions resulted in a screen refresh no matter which “solution” I chose.

Well, if you don’t want the help, that’s up to you…

All I can say is that, with the two-dozen or so attempts I just tried, everything worked as expected…  The “Go to Solution” button took me right to the post that was marked as the solution to the question…

So, unless we can see what you’re seeing, there’s nothing we can do.