Formating a My Passport 2TB Ultra for use with a MAC

Can somebody help me, I have formatted a WD My Passport Ultra 2 TB and saved all the files before erasing them which came with the drive. They were: bin, Extras, User manuals, WD Apps for Mac, WD Apps for Windows, WD Apps Setup.ex

The User Manual then said do this:

Restoring the WD Software and Disk Image
After you have reformatted your My Passport drive for use on Mac computers, go to and see Knowledge Base Answer ID 7 for information about downloading and restoring the Mac versions of the WD Drive Utilities and WD Security software and disk image on your My Passport drive.
The WD Backup software is not available for Mac computers.

But cannot find Knowledge Base Answer ID 7 when I search for it.

However, will the the portable drive work without these files as it reads it on the iMac or do I need to drag some of these files onto the hard drive, or download new ones?

Or can you send a link for the webpage I cannot locate?

Any help would be much appreciated, thank you.

The software is not required for the drive itself to function. If you have no need for the software utilities, you can omit them.

If you go to, just put “7” in the search box.

Thanks, if I did want to use the software as I have downloaded Wd Drive Utilities Installer, WD Quick View v2.4.6.2 Installer and WD Security Installer. Do I open these on the iMac or drag them to the portable hard drive and open them instead?

I doubt whether I will use them, but things like knowing how full the disc is may be useful and whether it is too hot etc…not bothered about the password. And is Disk Utility better to format with?

Can’t give you any advice on that, as I don’t use the software, and I don’t have a Mac. :slight_smile:

I have the same issue as @David_Sullivan trying to find Knowledge Base Answer ID 7! Were you able to download and install the WD Drive Utilities and WD Security software and disk image features? I’m not sure what I can do with the hard drive at this point…

I never use their software and it works ok with iMac without them. You don’t need them, just reformat hd for Mac. And it works perfectly. Hope this helps