Folder limitation 64998 folders in one folder

I have MyCloudPR4100, and when I transfer my data and reach 64,998 folders inside a single folder, it shows me an error.

I have folders that contain more than 3,000,000 folders within them. How can I fix this error to increae the limitation ? What is the benefit of having 40TB of storage if there are limitations on the number of folders or files?

Is there also a limitation on the number of files inside a folder?

thats alot of folders.

Sounds like a linux limitation. allthough the popup may actually suggest it’s a Windows issue (i.e. Windows can’t read that many folders). Is this on a 32 or 64 bit windows system?

OK. . . not a windows limit

Sounds like there is a 64,000 linux (EXT4) limit

although there may be ways around it, if these features are supported by the modified linux system WD uses for it’s O/S.

I am using the MucloudPR4100 with cable network and access it from windows system with 64 bit .

how can I modify it to allow without limitation,
I already have hard disk in windows type NTFS it is allow me more than 4000000 folders .

You will have to use SSH to “log into” the NAS unit and execute some specific commands.

You will have to google the correct commands.

I do not know (actually, I highly doubt) if the commands are supported by the OS/5 WD software. WD is using a modified linux distribution as the base of the operating system.

EXT4 can be setup to allow 4B file/folders. But that default is 64k.
If you want 4B files / folders, it has to be specified when the filesystem is created.
SMB 3 doesn’t seem to have that limitation on the share.
Using a SMB share for a regular Windows system, when you open the share in the File Explorer it will be slower than you could image with 3M folders at the root level of a share. There is a lot of back and forth checking going on when the PC opens the share.
If your app has the option, I would suggest deeper folder levels
Start with 100 top level folders and each top-level folder has 100 2nd level folders and each 2nd level folder has 100 3rd level and then each 3rd level has 1000 files.

I need a solution for this limitation problem from WD support and how to solve it with correct steps