*.flv playlist format

I’ve searched this forum and I just can not find the answer I’m looking for. I have WD SMP.

I’ve got a bunch of related *.flv files that I would like to play in a playlist. However, I can not figure out what type of file format I can use with the SMP to achieve this or if it’s even possible. Is there such a thing as a flv file playlist?

If anyone can point me in the correct direction, I’d very much appreciate it.


Don’t confuse yourself.  There isn’t a “FLV File Playlist.”  There’s just playlists.  And you can put anything into the playlist; it’s just a textfile.

Example, Playlist file named playlist.m3u could contain:






Thanks for all you contribute here, your willingness to share is very much appreciated.

I know my SMP can recognize .m3u playlists as well as .pls playlists. Using Playlist Creator 3.6.2 I’ve made m3u playlists for mp3 files. I then navigate my SMP to "Music and choose the playlist file. What appears on my screen is what I expect a playlist to look like. For these flv files, I’ve tried the much the same thing, navigating to “Videos” and then to my m3u file. However, within “Videos” when I choose that file, it appears as if it were a regular folder containing the flv files. It does not appear to bring up a “playlist” as the mp3 files do… 

I am making sure to use relative paths and not absolute when creating the playlists.

With Videos, Playlists are considered “folders.”  (I thought it did that with Music as well, but I wouldn’t swear to it.)

You can just press PLAY on the “folder” and the playlist will play.