Files missing in backup


I’ve got a “My passport Essential” and installed WD smatware, it take a while to backup, everything seems going right until I see the size of ‘My pictures’ folder ! on my WD

On my desktop it’s 13 Gb and via Wd smatware it’s only 5 Mb !! I though there where a problem with files extensions but no, my picture are named .jpg

The firmware and the software have been updated this week.

Is there a way to verify what exactly is missing and of course a way to force a correct backup ?


Hi there, 

You can try stopping the backup, restart the computer and then run backup and see if that helps. 

Sometimes the files are not properly categorized , once you stop and re-run the backup will show whatever

files that were not categorized before.

Hope this helps.


humm, just unplug the disk properly, reboot and replug ? if this is the advice it’s allready done, nothing change … same amount of data than before.

anyway thanks !

Did you stopped the backup by clicking pause backup and then restarted? Also check that no other application is accessing those files, if the files are used by another application Windows will not allow Smartware to back them



Yes I paused the backup and reboot, but it’s the same, some of the JPG files are not backup, and I’m sure that no other process are accessing JPG files (13 Go…)

Is there a ini file somewhere to force the discovery of JPG files ?


Regor wrote:


Is there a ini file somewhere to force the discovery of JPG files ?



Nope, you can check if pictures are selected for backup under detailed view in the backup tab. 

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Regor wrote:

Is there a ini file somewhere to force the discovery of JPG files ?

Hi there, yes you can, but not using Smartware.

Try another software that gives you more freedom to select individual extensions, files or folders. I use Windows Backup.

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