File moving/creating from smartphone not synchronized to WDNAS

I’m using MyCloud Gen2 with BitTorrent. Apparently, all is working fine … but when I pay attention, is not working exactly as it should. I can create/delete/move folders in both devices (smartphone and WDNAS) and changes are coherent and fast. However, when I move files on smartphone, those files, instead of being moved, appears like same files but with “.bts” extension and 0 bytes in my WDNAS and if I create a file o copy a new file to the shared folder in my smartphone, it’s not copied to my WDNAS. The inverse action (WDNAS to SMARTPHONE) is working fine both, folders and files.

So, the issue is related only with FILES when I MOVE or CREATE new ones. Even if I force a synchronization from “Sync” on my smartphone, file operations (except delete) are not synchronized.

I don’t understand what’s the problem with files.

Please, any help?