Faster Router/modem to use Mycloud

Hi! i want to know what is the best faster WI FI modem to connect my cloud of 4Tb, already i have a Cisco router of 54mbps and takes 30 minutes to move a 1gb file, is to much for me… maybe 600mbps?

Seems likr you have an old-style G router, and you need an N style router. Get informed about these. The best N style router today is an Asus RT-N66U. They have been around a few years, so cost less than they used to…Many people here use that one.

What wifi do you have on the device you are connecting with? Wifi-g, wifi-n, wifi-ac?

Both the router and the connecting device have to be able support the wifi service.

You could buy a wifi-ac router, but if your connecting device only supports wifi-n, that’s all you’ll get.

Is wired Ethernet not possible at all?

I have a g router cisco. I want something faster but not super expensive. A N style router in the only way?

Thanks! Yeah i have g style router, i have checked your recommendation but super expensive, maybe something cheaper but fast?

Pick a used TP-Link AC-Router (Archer C7 or C5) for 50-60 USD and a Netgear AC1200 USB-Adapter for 40 USD.

I have an Asus RT-AC68P and it is very fast. I am not sure what you call expensive … what price band are you looking to spend?

How much money are you willing to spend? What other features do you need on the router?

You should first contact your broadband provider to see if they can provide you a newer more capable router. One with Gigabit Networking Ports for attaching the My Cloud to and one that has Wireless N or Wireless AC capabilities.

There are numerous brands consumer entry level routers that are relatively low cost (under $100 US dollars) that have Gigabit networking and Wireless AC or Wireless N capabilities. There is no one brand or model that is “best”. There are usually trade offs on capabilities for lower end lower cost routers.

There are several issues to take into account here. First, you will almost never get the advertised network speed that routers are marketed as having. There are numerous reasons why this is the case. It is generally said one gets roughly 70% to 80% of the advertised maximum speed on the local network. Second, to obtain the fastest speed, connect the My Cloud to a router that supports Gigabit networking and connect the computer (or other devices) to that same router via a Gigabit port. In other words use Ethernet wired connections where possible to obtain the fastest speed. Third, if one upgrades to Gigabit networking and or Wireless N or Wireless AC one may also have to upgrade their computer’s networking port or wireless networking port to obtain the faster speeds. Fourth, If one has to use a broadband provider supplied router or modem, attaching a second newer router to the broadband provider equipment often involves some configuration of both the broadband provider router/modem and the separate new router. Failure to properly configure a second router on the local network can cause a variety of network access issues.

If that reply was directed at me, I meant, what sort of WiFi does the computer you’re using have?

If it’s N, get an N router. If it’s AC, get an AC router to give you the best performance.

However, you have to bear in mind the limitations of the MyCloud to supply data. There are plenty of threads on this, and the reality seems to be about 80MByte/s.

In the UK, second hand and charity shops usually have modem/routers very cheaply, since each ISP supplies a new one when a contract starts, and contracts can be as short as 18 months, and people change ISPs very frequently. I picked up a Technicolor TG582n for £1. It supports WiFi-N. You’d need to be sure you can direct it to your ISP, though; some ISP-supplied routers are locked to their network, and cannot be re-purposed. Alternatively, connect it to your existing modem/router via ethernet, and turn off the WiFi on your original router, and disable the DHCP server on the new router. (I think…)

Some very good suggestions have been given. I suggest you check out your computers or devices and see what wifi adapters they have and your speeds. The below image is from my desktop computer, Windows 10. It has 802.11 ac, operating on the 5GHz channel.

Click on, tap or activate image to enlarge it.

My laptop computer, Windows 10, shows its speed at 433 Mbps on the 5GHz channel.

I suggest you do a Google search or use your favorite search engine for Routers and try to determine what is best for you and meets your price range.

My router is a Linksys WRT 1900 AC

ok i understand, you mean the mycloud limit is 80MByte/s.? doesnt matter if the router works on 450mbps the link speed will be around 80mbps?

Although the type (N-type) and internal speed (gigabit) of router is miles ahead of the G-type. Additionally, the dual-band wireless speed all add up to a faster delivery either wired or wirelessly. You DO need a dual-band, gigabit N type router, that is for sure. And, the wireless speeds differ depending upon the quality/cost of the router.

Start googling about modern routers; that is how most folks here learned about what router to get for today’s higher speed equipment and gadgets.

See your new discussion you started.