Failing to eject - Confused - Please help

WD Elements External HD 12TB Mac

Before I click the eject button on finder I close all apps and even do a relaunch on finder.

Then I eject from finder and HD disappears from sidebar.

Then I remove USB plug from port of Mac Mini and receive the below message:
Failed to eject “WD Elements 253A Media” because it is currently in use.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

Thank you,

When you got the drive, did you install any WD proprietary software that may have come with the device?

First, try checking the drive over with Disk Utility (in Finder menu bar, select Go, then select Utilities, then Disk - or use Spotlight).

If you have installed WD software, try completely de-installing it. And I mean completely. You can always re-install it later if you want to.

To easily remove software from my iMac I like to use MacPaw’s ‘CleanMyMac X’.

Appreciate reply.

Is the WD proprietary software no good?


After installing my second WD Drive, a MyBook Duo, I had trouble firstly with my Mac not going to sleep, or waking from sleep. I also kept getting a report telling me there was a problem with my RAID. Upon checking, nothing was wrong with the RAID.

At first I thought it might be because the WD software for my first WD RAID device, a MyBook Studio II, was conflicting with the software for the MyBook Duo. WD advised me to delete the software for the older Studio II drive because it was no longer supported and only use Disk Utility for the Studio II. So I deleted that software.

Problems didn’t go away, so I deleted the newer WD software for the MyBook Duo as well. Problems gone straight away.

So I no longer get any health reports on either device but just check them over with Disk Utility ever now and then, assuming I remember to and have the spare time.

You can try the WD software if you like because it’s possible that the issues have been dealt with in the intervening three or four years and it’s okay now. There was no sign of the above issues (or any others I read about) being dealt with at the time though, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the WD software is still the same now.

One thing is for sure, if you do decide to use the WD software and you don’t get along with it, it is easy enough to remove it. I myself used CleanmyMac to do this. But there are other apps out there. I don’t recall being able to use the WD installer to remove the stuff. Not had any trouble since.

Hope this helps.

One other thing.

It was to do with what software I used to create the RAID on the new Drive. Did I use the WD software to create the RAID, or did I use Disk Utility (DU) to do that?

Trouble is, even at the time I didn’t recall which I used. I suspect that I use the WD software.

If I used the WD bundled software, then why was I getting the RAID error report? This might have been expected if I had used DU to format the RAID.

If I had used DU to set up the RAID, then why would I get problems with my Mac?

Sort of chicken and egg situation?