Failed update My book Live

Today I tried to update the My Book Live 3TB from before the latest firmware to the last firmware. Several times the update check fails, the last was successful and had restarted the device, which can not so I rebooted my book live manually. Then after start, began shortly illuminated blue LED and yellow LED lights up subsequently. The machine I tried to reboot several times over, but still not on the network, it has no IP address. Please can anyone advise me?

Sounds like an update gone wrong. There is nothing you can do to fix it at this point without voiding your warranty. Your best bet is to RMA the drive if it is less than 3 years old.

But I have there a very important data files. I read about linux reader…

Yep you could go that route if your comfortable voiding your warranty

Open the drive

Download Disk Internals Linux Reader for Windows and install the program. Hook up the drive to your computer or a SATA dock and copy your data to another drive with enough space on your computer.

Then follow my debrick guide and you should be good to go