Failed setup Local network access for WD My Cloud Home

I get to the USER NAME and PASSWORD setup…but I keep getting:

operation not supported for user with no user space

Don’t know how to get past this.

There is only one other report of an error like this, unfortunately the home user there (@JP91306) as most home user do, did not document how he managed to recover from the error, however…

edited: this is the corrected link above, taking the reader to the Apr 2, 2023 WD authentication server outage.

This error can occur with server outage or more often, it is due to authentication error on the user’s end with their browser, firewall, router or OS.

In most cases, it may be just a matter of restarting the browser session, or use another browser such as Chrome or Edge which are heavily tracked for user identity, or reboot the desktop and try again.

I have three cloud drives, I receive this message for two of them. The newest one connects just fine.