External drive vs NAS help new to all this

I need to back up my itunes and realized its time to invest in at least 1TB storage. At the moment most media files on a a very instable desk top looking to run itunes now from new laptop. Besides this looking to buy a new hifi system. Daily user of ipad also. Background: i live in germany but have US itunes account and watch HuLu via VPN set up oni ipad via hdmi cable from ipad to tv. Appletv problaly not an option as I need a VPN that is easy to turn on/off VPN. VPN from router not possible??

Anyways. Back to media storage. Would an external drive suffice? Then portable or desktop? What about a NAS??

Can you also hook one computer directly to NAS with cable, or everything wifi?? Not so hot about continous wifi for media in house; want ot avoid unnessary signals.

And how does one backup a backup? With so much memory i would have to bypass a computer right. As you can tell I am new to this. Need help on a set up


If you have a router, will be better for you the NAS drive since you will be able to access to it through your network from the computer and the ipad.