External Drive Not Recognised After Plugging Into Windows 10 PC

Hi everyone, my WD Passport external USB drive was working perfectly with my Windows 7 laptop. I bought a new Windows 10 laptop and plugged in the external drive to copy some media across. Now the drive isn’t recognised by my WDTV unit any longer.

Can somebody please guide me on what I need to do in order to use this drive on the WDTV unit?

Thanks in advance.

still personally running Windows 7 myself, but maybe try noyba’s solution ?

Thanks very much for the response Joey. I’m on my way to the airport for work so will try that when I get back on Friday.

Much appreciated.

JoeySmyth, you are the man!!!

I tried the solution of noyba’s that you suggested and after running checkDisk on the external drive, all is well now when I connect to the the WDTV and all my media is available.

Thank you again, your help was much appreciated.

no probs … but all credit goes to noyba :slight_smile: