EX4100 Showing Capacity but receiving disk full error

When i go to the home screen on my EX4100 it shows i have 12.8 TB Free memory.

But now when im adding content to the NAS it says that my storage is full. When i go into the Raid settings it says i have 29.86 TB of storage. And when i go into the shares it says im only using about 18 TB. Am i missing something? How can i tell exactly how much storage im actually using vs what i have left.

You can’t, at least not via the OS5 dashboard. It’s one of many WD design failures.

Are you using iSCSI?

My Cloud: Creating and Mounting an iSCSI Target

I presume you have setup the raid system right?

Yes i have Raid 5

i havent tried it, i wasnt really sure what it was. To be honest other than the fact that the Capacity always says 12.8TB and doesnt give me an accurate reading is the only issue i have. im currently running 2 (20tb)drive in bay 1 & 2 and 2(10 tb) drives in 3 & 4. Those last two will soon be upgraded to 2 (22tb).