EX2100 - Nothing on mirrored NAS hard disks but occupied space up to 28 Go on Windows explorer


We’ve just bought EX2100 My Cloud configured with 3 To two hard drives.

The RAID configuration is RAID 1.

A public shared folder is created on the NAS. This is the only folder created.

When network shortcut is created on Windows Explorer, it displays that more than 28 Go is already occupied.
The dashboard displays that 2,94 To are free.

What does the difference consist of ? Because eventually, the free space on the folder is about 2,65 To ?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards.

You don’t have any used space. They are the same value but the dashboard is counting bytes in base 10 and Windows is (stupidly) counting bytes in base 2. Here’s a good rant about the problem: Base Ten For (Almost) Everything | Random ASCII – tech blog of Bruce Dawson