Espn app?

Is there any plan to add an ESPN app to Live Streaming?

This would be a great addition. I understand Roku has it.

MarnGar wrote:

Is there any plan to add an ESPN app to Live Streaming?


This would be a great addition. I understand Roku has it.

If you search the forum … you’ll find it’s been posted in the “WDTV Ideas Forum” … and there, click on the “Up Arrow Icon” (on the left side of screen)  to cast your Vote.

Wow!  That suggestion is over 2 years old so I suppose I’ll need to buy a Roku.  Doesn’t look like WD is working on it.

MarnGar wrote:

Wow!  That suggestion is over 2 years old so I suppose I’ll need to buy a Roku.  Doesn’t look like WD is working on it.

Only 13 People voted for it over the course of 2 years … maybe the rest already have Roku’s as well as a WDTV ?

Or people have learned over the years that suggesting and voting on items is a waste of time and has no effect on WD’s development.

They don’t seem very responsive.  If I was WD I’d want to eliminate customers’ need for my competition.