Error 31520 - Cannot establish remote access connection

Hi Guys,

I also got this working … same type of solution as described. The problem was double NAT setup was required. I have the ADSL routed connected to another wireless router so you have to port forward twice.

  1. Wireless router NAT
  2. ADSL modem NAT

Hi guys. The following actions helped me. I entered the application on my phone β†’ Settings β†’ Advanced settings (Verify device connectivity) β†’ Removed the switch from my device. Rebooted the application. From a home network, everything works fine. Write if this helped you.

Yes! This worked for me as well.
I was able to ping the IP address, but connecting using any WD interface: nothing! I did a reset on the device, as well as full power reset. Still nothing.
Amazingly easy fix.
Thanks so much!

Hello, I have the same problem with my MYBOOKLIFE device. It also can’t download latest update.

Hello, I have same problems. Do you have any solutions?